New Media Literacies Video
The New Media Literacy project video discusses skills that are needed to function in today's society. The skills mentioned in the video were judgement, negotiation, appropriation, play, transmedia navigation, simulation, collective intelligence, performance, distributed cognition, visualization, and multitasking. The video elaborated on judgement, negotiation, appropriation, and play, but did not mention the other skills in detail.
As our society moves toward technological advancement, people must move along with it. This is nothing new, it's the way we have always been. We move and progress forward in every aspect of our life, or we are left behind. As long as our moral compass is not affected, I have no problem with progress in technology. Just because we possess the ability to do something, doesn't make it the right thing to do.
I feel I have the ability to make judgements, negotiate, appropriate, and play. I believe collective intelligence is what we experience when we collaborate on a project together. If I don't possess the knowledge I need to do something, I can collaborate with someone who does. Multitasking is required in most aspects of life with family, jobs, and education. As with any skill that we don't possess, if we desire it, we must use education to aquire those skills.
In my search of the New Media Literacy project I found a few helpful websitesthat further explained the concept of new media literacy.
Project New Media Literacy
Publius Project
University of Oregon Media Project
Each of these sites offer further explanation of media literacy. We must be careful to use a number of resources when searching the web. Blogs in particular can be biased and not factual. Project New Media identified three core challenges in it's research. The participation gap, the transparency problem, and the ethics challenge. These three challenges are discussed in detail in their white paper project. The white paper project can be found here:
White Paper
We must continue to research and educate ourselves on the growing resources available to us. We don't want to be left behind, or be responsible for letting others be left behind.
Loved your blog! very informative