iTunes University
iTunes University is a special area of the iTunes store that was launched in May of 2007. It allows institutions to make audio and video material available for downloading and subscriptions. Podcasts and vodcasts are available from many higher learning institutions such as Cambridge, Oxford,and Stanford. Materials upload to iTunes University must be sponsored by a higher learning institution. This allows higher learning institutions to distribute their educational materials to students all over the world.
iTunes Presentation by: David Hopkins
As an extension to iTunes University there is also the iPhone University. Abilene Christian University was one of the anchor schools to start providing their college freshmen with this cutting edge media. "ACU will use the iPhones or iPod Touches to receive homework alerts, answer in-class surveys and quizzes, get directions to their professors’ offices, and check their meal and account balances," the university said in a statement. ACU also developed 15 web applications for Apple devices.
Apple Insider Feb. 2008
iTunes University offers so many possibilities for colleges and universities to reach more students. Many of the offerings are free of charge to view. If the schools have projects that need more attention, they may be able to gain that through iTunes. They can also collaborate between institutions on projects. Collaboration would be great fromt the teachers prospective and the student. Since all materials must be through higher learning institutions, it offers some credibility to the materials found there. For more information on how to use iTunes University:
eHow: How to use iTunes University
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