Kansas State University YouTube Video
The Kansas State University video really had some interesting information in it, but it really isn't representative of my college experience. I attended a small four year private institution in rural Arkansas. The largest classes that I can remember being a part of were probably 35 students. Since my original college experience was over 16 years ago, that probably accounts for many of the differences in my education. No one carried laptops to class in the early 90's!
I'm not really sure what type of information I would add to the video. I do understand the importance of making our education relevant, but just like my comments in previous posts, I don't think we as educators should have to put on a circus to teach our children. What is the point of a student sitting in class and surfing the web or updating their facebook status? That just shows a lack of discipline and desire to learn on their part. To me it's that lazy attitude of not wanting to work hard for anything. Somehow I think we've got to instill a desire to learn in our students. I see the points of paying for textbooks and not ever using them. Didn't EDM 310 discontinue using a text book for that reason?
I think a point that we need to consider is that not all information that we find on the internet and forums is factual. Do we know if these statistics are backed with good data? I think with the speed that technology is moving, it's going to be difficult to regulate some of the good information from the inaccurate. We have to be careful of not taking everything we find on the internet as credible information. As with everything, there must be a balance.
Love the picture. I agree that we need understand that just because it is on the net does not mean that it is true.